An ISO Audit can seem like an overwhelming, stressful concept but Swift is here to take away those outdated scare tactics and make your auditing process simple while adhering to high standards.

Once you have implemented your ISO standard with a consultant, we’ll perform the audit to ensure that you have met the requirements to achieve certification. We aren’t here to catch you out or trick you, we just want to ensure that whichever ISO Standard(s) you have implemented have met all the necessary targets and in doing so, make sure that you reap all the benefits that having a strong, continually improving management system can offer to your business!

Before we come and perform the audit, we’ll make sure that you have already implemented the ISO Standard with the help of a consultant and that you have all the information you need ready.

The first assessment is to review the practices you already have in place and identify the areas that require improving or changing to achieve your certificate. Our auditors will then issue a full report highlighting the areas to work on before the next step.

The objectives of a Stage 1 Audit are to:

  • Assess your Documented Management System
  • Evaluate your Locations and any site-specific conditions
  • Assess your understanding of the requirements of the standard
  • Agree the scope of your Documented Management System, processes and location(s) and related statutory and regulatory aspects and associated risks
  • Plan the Stage 2 Audit and establish your planning arrangements for Internal Audits and Management Reviews
  • Determine your readiness for a Stage 2 Audit

Once you are ready, we will review the changes you have made and see if you have met the requirements of the ISO Standard you have chosen. Our auditor will then highlight any areas for improvement.

The objectives of a Stage 2 Audit are to:

  • Evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of your Management System
  • Assess your performance against key performance objectives and targets (monitoring, measuring, reporting and reviewing)
  • Evaluate your legal compliance, operational control of processes, Internal Audits, Management Reviews and Policies
  • Evaluate links between the normative requirements, policy, performance objectives and targets, responsibilities, the competence of personnel, operations, procedures, and performance data.
  • Identify any areas for potential improvement of the Management System

As part of the ISO Certification, you are required to have an annual surveillance visit to ensure you have maintained compliance.

The objectives of a Surveillance Audit are to:

  • Ensure your Management System has continued to fulfil requirements between Audits
  • Ensure Internal Audits and Management Review have been performed to programme
  • Review actions taken on nonconformities identified during previous Audits
  • Evaluate your handling of any complaints
  • Evaluate the continued effectiveness of the management system, with regard to achieving your objectives
  • Evaluate your legal compliance and performance
  • Evaluate your progress of planned activities aimed at continual improvement
  • Ensure continuing operational control
  • Review any changes to your organisation since the previous Audit
  • Ensure that the PQAL and Accreditation Body marks are being used correctly
  • Identify any areas for potential improvement of the Management System

If the thought of an audit still fills you with dread, talk to one of our expert auditors now and we’ll answer any questions you have and give you a FREE NO OBLIGATION quote.

Swift Certification
Demonstrating Excellence Through Compliance